Soviet era elevators: why are they still working and how to modernize them?

Dec 17, 2023

The Longevity of Soviet Era Elevators

When you think of Soviet era technology, what comes to mind? For many, it's the robust, hard-working, and surprisingly long-lasting elevators that still operate in many buildings across the former Soviet Union. But why are these elevators still functioning after all these years, and how can they be modernized to meet today's safety and efficiency standards? Let's dive in.

Soviet elevator

Why Are They Still Working?


One of the main reasons Soviet era elevators are still in operation is due to their impressive durability. Built to last, these elevators were designed with heavy-duty materials and simple mechanical systems that withstand the test of time. Unlike modern elevators, which often rely on digital systems and complex machinery, Soviet era elevators use basic, reliable mechanics that are less prone to failure.

durable elevator


Another reason for their longevity is the consistent maintenance they receive. Many buildings still employ dedicated elevator technicians who regularly service and repair these machines. This consistent care and attention has allowed these elevators to continue functioning, often outlasting their expected lifespan.

Modernizing Soviet Era Elevators

Upgrading the Mechanisms

While these elevators are still functioning, they are not without their flaws. Modernizing them often involves upgrading the mechanical systems. This can include replacing the original pulley system with a more efficient and reliable traction system, or installing modern safety features like overload sensors and emergency brakes.

elevator modernization

Improving Energy Efficiency

Another important aspect of modernization is improving energy efficiency. Soviet era elevators are notorious energy consumers. By installing energy-efficient motors and lighting, these elevators can significantly reduce their energy consumption, making them more environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

Enhancing User Experience

Finally, modernizing these elevators can greatly enhance user experience. This can involve installing modern control panels with digital displays, replacing the old push-button systems, and improving the overall aesthetics of the elevator cabin. In some cases, it may even involve enlarging the cabin to accommodate more passengers.

elevator user experience


While Soviet era elevators are a testament to the durability and longevity of past engineering, they are not without their drawbacks. Modernizing these elevators is a necessary step to ensure they meet today's safety standards, improve energy efficiency, and enhance user experience. Despite these challenges, the enduring presence of these elevators is a fascinating glimpse into a bygone era of technology.